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The embassy has observed rather sadly the increase in the abuse of the process for the issuance of ETC by Nigerians in Turkey. While the embassy is willing to always assist those Nigerians with genuine cases that actually require ETC to travel back to Nigeria, mission is weary of subjecting the process to abuse as currently observed.
1. Consequently, the following conditions are hereby published for information and guidance to all Nigerians intending to obtain ETC from the embassy viz;
i.      Letter of application by candidate(preferably in long- hand)
İİ.     Copy of lost passport
İİİ.    Police report which must contain entry details of applicant to turkey
iv.   Current passport photograph
v.    Flight reservation which must not exceed 3 days from the date of approval
vi    Evidence of payment of mission's bank account.
vii   Finally,letter of identification from the office of nigerian community istanbul which is confirmable
2.   For avoidance of doubt, Mission reserves the right not to process any application without complete documentation
3.  For those who exits the borders without official documents, there is a current system to confirm every of our official documents like ETC and passports @ the airports and borders.You are adviced to take it from the proper channel.
This is for all Nigerian citizens resident in Turkey.